Hey there!

Welcome to this positive motivation blog that’s all about helping you reach your life & career goals.

But before I tell you more about me, let’s recap why this website exists. 

You deserve to live the life you want. And creating the life of your dreams shouldn’t be hard!

All you need is a clear idea of your success, a simple system to stay on track, and enough progress to keep you motivated.

4 simple steps to reach your life & career goals

Positive motivation is key

Some posts on this blog focus on practical tips like time management, goal setting and how & why you need to promote yourself.

Other posts focus on your mindset. You’ll discover how to build your self-confidence, face challenges, and boost your courage.

And this blog is also packed with motivation to keep you inspired while working on your goals!

Days wasted

Wanting to improve your life but not making any real progress…

Don’t let this be you anymore!

Who am I?

Ninja working on her slef-improvement

Hey, I’m Ninja.

A B2B Marketing Manager & content creator by day, I turn into a positive motivation blogger by night – because I’m obsessed with self-improvement.

Here, I’m sharing everything I learned to help you get the life you want. 

I love connecting with people, so I speak German, English, French, Italian, and basic Spanish + Russian.

I had my kids when I was young… and did a full bachelor’s followed by a master’s degree once my youngest went to kindergarten.

That’s 5 years of juggling being a mom (with no help from family + no money) and a full-time student.

It was exhausting, but I loved every second of it.
Self-improvement is so important to me – and I want to help you create the life of your dreams, too.

Over the years, I have spent several months (and in some cases many years) in Germany, France, the UK, and New York.

Since 2013, I’ve been living in beautiful Switzerland.  

I believe you deserve the chance to live your best life. You only need a clear “destination” and a simple system to reach it!

Oh, and when I’m not working on myself, I love karaoke, dancing, and yoga – for the well-being of my body and soul!

Exclusive downloads to help you reach your goals

Here you can find exclusive content & powerful tools that you can download to your laptop or phone!
Just print the workbooks and create the life you want!

Get your Ninja Vision Workbook & Ninja Goal Planner

It is possible to create the life of your dreams. And you don’t have to do it alone.

Take advantage of the Ninja Vision Workbook, the Ninja Goal Planner, and the helpful tips & ideas on this website.

Improve yourself. Improve your life!

"There are only two rules to being successful. One, figure out exactly what you want to do, and two, do it!"

And one more thing…
I am thrilled that you’re here!

Let’s achieve your life & career goals with a simple system and some positive motivation.


Just a few great Ninja Follower comments

What people are saying

I'm very thankful to you because you understand everything and the way you express. It is awesome and it really help me every day. I will request you that never stop ...
Such positive vibes.... Loved it
I love what you're sharing. I'm a woman Founder and CEO, and I'm all about empowering people! Thanks for being everything you are. You inspire me!!
Awesome content keep up the great work......
Your all thoughts are so enlightening

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