Funny Quotes

Inspirational quotes are awesome and give you the motivation boost you need.
Learning Ninja is all about positive motivation.

This blog helps you define your vision for your perfect life, set the right goals and keep you motivated to finally get the success you dream of.

And having fun and taking things lightly in the process is important, too. 

Funny quotes are hilarious and can put you in just the right mood.

So if everything goes south – don’t go with it!

Are you ready for some fun quotes?

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Before we get to our next funny quotes, you can download your own free vision workbook to define the life of your dreams!

…if you’d like to change your life for the better. But you can also simply enjoy the next set of funny quotes.

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If you are also interested in motivational content that helps you set and reach your goals, make sure you check out the Ninja Top Posts!