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Excellence is a team effort

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Are you sure that everyone feels valued? Do you feel valued?

For a company to be truly excellent, everybody has to chip in. This blog is about making people see that everyone matters.

Unfortunately, there are still many dinosaur companies out there who don’t seem to understand this.

When they make a new sale to an existing customer, the sales team gets a bonus and the rest don’t even get a thank you.

But everyone contributed to this success. Excellence is a team effort.

Here is why I thought about this now.

Not long ago, I asked one of our cleaning ladies how she was doing and if everything was alright.

I remember working as a chambermaid right after graduation so that I could afford to move to France for a year.

It was the hardest job ever, and I am glad it was limited to one summer.
Workers in physically hard jobs still impress me!

I have tons of mental or intellectual perseverance, but no physical endurance whatsoever.

“Please everybody, just abandon me here. I don’t want to take you down with me…”.

But back to our cleaning lady.
She was quite passionate about things not being so great. I stood there listening while she explained how some people just always leave a mess.

Of course, she was right. Some people take advantage when they know that someone else has to clean up their mess (figuratively speaking as well).

Our conversation probably looked pretty funny to any colleagues around, since it seemed like she was yelling at me instead of next to me.

Like I did something wrong in the bathroom, instead of being nice and empathetic. This brief conversation with her got me thinking, though.

For a company to be truly excellent, it needs excellent people

It’s a team effort.

  • From the cleaning staff, who make sure we have a clean and comfortable environment to work in
  • to the colleagues in production, who give their best to make impeccable products
  • to the administrative staff, who make sure that the customers are satisfied
  • to the engineers and technicians who design new solutions
  • as well as the numerous other important departments which are way too many to list,
  • all the way to management.

We can only be excellent if everybody does their best, at all levels. And maybe, just maybe, we sometimes tend to overlook the work we can’t see.

We all do our best work when we feel valued and appreciated. Excellence is not an elite privilege. It’s teamwork!

Everybody matters

If you sometimes take other people’s work for granted, then this is a kind reminder. And if you are in the overlooked category, I would like to thank you for your work.


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Please comment if you’d like to thank someone at work or somewhere else for their help! Excellence is a team effort.

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