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Interesting Quotes – Your Weekly Inspiration 42

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It’s a new week and so it’s time for some new interesting quotes like this one:

The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so you better try to make yourself as interesting as possible

Bonus Quote

I wasn’t able to find out who said this. But I love it.
So what are you doing this week to improve yourself?

Interesting Quotes for this week

1.”Complaining about the problem without posing a solution is
called whining” – Teddy Roosevelt

Complaining about the problem without posing a solution is called whining - Teddy Roosevelt

2.”Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything
all at once. You got this. Take it day by day” – Karen Salmansohn

Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. You got this. Take it day by day - Karen Salmansohn

3.”Don’t wait for clarity to take action. Take action to get clarity”
– Interesting Quotes

Don't wait for clarity to take action. Take action to get clarity - Interesting Quotes

4.”Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand
what little chance you have in trying to change others”

Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others

5.””I have done my best: that is about all the philosophy of living
one needs.” Lin Yutang

"I have done my best: that is about all the philosophy of living one needs." Lin Yutang

6.”Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”
– Anais Nin

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." Anais Nin

7.”Your moves will be misunderstood by those not meant to join
you on your journey” – Interesting Quotes

Your moves will be misunderstood by those not meant to join you on your journey - Interesting Quotes

8.”How much I missed, simply because I was afraid of missing it”
– Paulo Coelho

How much I missed, simply because I was afraid of missing it - Paulo Coelho

9.”NO=Next Opportunity” – Interesting Quotes

NO=Next Opportunity - Interesting Quotes

10.”No one and nothing should stop you from realizing your dream”
– Felicia Mabuza

No one and nothing should stop you from realizing your dream - Felicia Mabuza

11.”Make sure you don’t see yourself through the eyes of those
who don’t value you. Know your worth even if they don’t”
– Thema Davis

Make sure you don't see yourself through the eyes of those who don't value you. Know your worth even if they don't - Thema Davis

12.”Be around people who fit your future not your past”
– Interesting Quotes

Be around people who fit your future not your past - Interesting Quotes

Which of this week’s interesting quotes was your favorite? I think I like quote #9 best.
It’s super concise, on-point, and gives you the right mindset.

We tend to give way too much weight to “rejection”.
But if you don’t attach any stories to it (about what it all means) then it’s only neutral feedback.

Just focus on your Next Opportunity!

Have a wonderful week,

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