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Best confidence quotes – Your weekly inspiration 16

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This week, we’ll take a look at best confidence quotes. A little extra motivation is always great.

If you live in a country with daylight saving time, how do you feel about switching back to Winter Time?

It’s pretty depressing, now it gets dark even sooner. At least we can light our scented candles earlier…
And for the first three days, it’s easier to get up on time.

But let’s see our quotes for this week for some positive vibes.

Time to discover our best confidence quotes

1.”Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision” – Winston Churchill

”Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision” – Winston Churchill best confidence quote

2.”Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor” – Rumi

"Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor" - Rumi motivational quote

3. “Autumn shows us just how beautiful it is to let things go”

"Autumn shows us just how beautiful it is to let things go" motivational quote

4. “If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up”

“If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up” - best confidence quote

5. “Your age doesn’t define your maturity, your grades don’t define
your intelligence and rumors don’t define who you are”
– Best confidence quotes

"Your age doesn't define your maturity, your grades don't define
your intelligence and rumors don't define who you are" motivational quote

6. “Stop postponing your happiness! Be happy now”

"Stop postponing your happiness! Be happy now" motivational quote

7. “The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually
fearing that you will make one” – Elbert Hubbard

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually
fearing that you will make one" - Elbert Hubbard motivational quote

8. “To succeed you must learn that the real & toughest competition
is the voice in your head that wants you to quit” – Best confidence quotes

"To succeed you must learn that the real & toughest competition
is the voice in your head that wants you to quit" - best confidence quotes

9. “Don’t allow your struggles to become your identity”
– Brad Turnbull

"Don't allow your struggles to become your identity"
- Brad Turnbull motivational quote

10. “Your life isn’t yours if you always worry about what other
people think” – Best confidence quotes

“Your life isn’t yours if you always worry about what other people think” - best confidence quotes

11. “My loyalty kept me in some situations that common sense
should have taken me out of”

"My loyalty kept me in some situations that common sense
should have taken me out of" motivational quote

12. “Stop cheating your future with your past. It’s over”

"Stop cheating your future with your past. It's over" best confidence quotes

13. “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule
your priorities” – Stephen Covey

"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule
your priorities" - Stephen Covey motivational quote

14. “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you
if you realized how seldom they do” – Eleanor Roosevelt

"You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you
if you realized how seldom they do" - Eleanor Roosevelt motivational quote

15. “When you settle for crumbs you will always be starving”
– best confidence quote

“When you settle for crumbs you will always be starving” - best confidence quotes

Thank you for reading all the way through. I hope that you found this week’s best confidence quotes helpful.

Have a wonderful week!

Improve yourself. Improve your life!

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