When I was young, I had piano lessons. I actually wanted to play the guitar, but we were told that 6 year-old kids were too young for guitar lessons.
During my years in music school, my piano teachers agreed that “she has talent, but no discipline whatsoever”.
And it was true. Most of the time, I didn’t even do the minimum practice requirements.
Playing for fun felt so much better than repeating boring finger exercices.
At a Christmas concert last Sunday, several 16 and 17 year old Highschool students played different instruments – and they were incredible.
It probably took talent and definitely years of dedication to get them to this level.
They were amazing. I love music and I still play for fun – at what I would call an average level.
It was great to see how far you can come when you put in the work. Talent isn’t everything.
If you are passionate, you can get very far. And even if you are talented, you still have to practice.
Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard.

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