We celebrate International Women’s Day, also IWD on March 8, to honor the economic, social, cultural and political achievements of women on this global day.
It also marks a call to action to keep pushing for gender parity.
Over 100 years of celebrations
Did you know the International Women’s Day has been around for decades? And in some countries even for over a century?
Its centenary was celebrated in 2011. The first countries to honor this day with over 1 million people were Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Denmark, followed in 1913 by Russia and by many other countries after that.
Seems crazy, don’t you think? It’s hard to imagine that the battle for gender equality started over 100 years ago and that there is still so much to do today…
Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision-making, and when the different behaviors, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and favored.
Definition of gender equality
International Women’s Day, Weltfrauentag, Journée internationale des Femmes, Giornata internazionale della donna, Día Internacional de la Mujer, Международный женский день…
I’d like to jump on the occasion and share some well-deserved love with you ladies on this day dedicated to women’s rights. In over 25 countries, it’s even an official holiday.
To all you awesome women
Whether you love men or women, are single or have a family, are a working mom or a homemaker, a cleaning lady or a CEO, a scientist or an artist.
No matter if you’re skinny, large, tall, short, shy, outgoing, nerdy, crazy, loud, quiet, with too much self-esteem or too little.
Maybe you got lucky and live in an environment with real (gender) equality and inclusion. Maybe your dedication and great life choices got you where you are.
Or maybe your life is more complicated and you are facing discrimination every day. In a company with no women holding any important position whatsoever.
And the boy’s club snickering because you couldn’t possibly know what you’re talking about.
Maybe you’re dealing with double standards quite a lot.
If you made it and you work in a positive environment where they value and appreciate your opinion that’s awesome.
But if you’re still struggling, keep your chin up and persist. Never let anyone convince you that you’re not worth as much or that your opinion doesn’t matter.
All of you deserve a huge shout-out, so I do it here on Learning Ninja. Don’t forget that you are amazing. Be inspired and inspiring!
The video below shows you a 2-minute recap of this special day over the last 100 years, in case you’d like to find out more about its history.
Happy International Women’s Day. You rock!
Improve yourself. Improve your life!
PS: Of course, this world has many awesome men, too. But today is March 8, so we celebrate the ladies.
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